
Shared bookmarks

  • #s:design #s:indieweb #s:online #s:webmastery | the interwebbed dwelling of a multifaceted internet creative

    Really cool (and aesthetically pleasing!) personal site for "digital miscellany". Contains lots of links to resources for design, assets, accessibility, tools, and other webdev-related things. Also has a theme switcher and a blog.

    5 months ago | View Shared by zeiat
  • #s:design #s:online #s:webmastery #t:article/essay | Brutalist Web Design is honest about what a website is and what it isn't. A website is not a magazine, though it might have magazine-like articles. A website is not an application, although you might use it to purchase products or interact with other people. A website is not a database, although it might be driven by one.
  • #s:design #s:webmastery | Let me describe your perfect website: It's lightweight and loads fast Fits on all screens Looks the same in all browsers The website is accessible to everyone that visits your site It's legible and gets your point across (if you had one instead of just 5MB pictures of cats playing piano)

