
Shared bookmarks

  • #c:gen #ch:barbara #ch:bruce #ch:cass #ch:damian #ch:dick #ch:jason #ch:roy #ch:steph #ch:tim #f:dcu #n:epistolary #n:♥ #t:fic | A Disclaimer From Your Friendly Neighborhood Oracle: The following is a transcript of Patrol Communications Audio written by state of the art transcription technology, IRIS (Interpretation of Recorded Intelligence Software). IRIS was created to provide easily searchable records, automatically, and eliminate the need to transcribe each patrol audio log manually. That being said, IRIS is still experimental, and may not always be entirely accurate.

    (01:25) Red Hood: (Mild static) (Out of breath, slurred) You motherfuckers. Put some fuckin-

    (01:25) Batman: (Shaking) Red Hood-

    (01:25) Red Hood: Shut up. Put some fucking respect. On my name. Start fucking copying me. I just got thrown fucking. Um. 40 feet. Into a fucking uh. What's it. Ditch. I'm still fucking conscious.

    (01:25) Batman: Red Hood, do not move, we're en route-

    (01:25) Red Hood: What'll I win if I stand up.

    (01:25) Batman: (Loud) Do not stand up.

    9 months ago ∞ | View Shared by zeiat
  • #c:f/m #c:m/m #ch:cissie #ch:guy #ch:hal #ch:mia #ch:ollie #ch:roy #f:dcu #n:au #p:connor/kyle #p:jen/kyle #t:fic | On his first mission as a captain in Her Majesty's Royal Navy, Kyle Rayner finds himself aboard the pirate ship Green Arrow, prisoner of the dreaded Captain Queen. As Captain Gardner, Commodore Jordan, and Kyle's fiancee Jenny launch rescue missions, Kyle finds himself struggling with a growing attraction to Queen's son Connor. But is the Green Arrow really what it seems? What does Sinestro the pirate king want with Kyle? And does Kyle really hold the secret to the green light that can give its bearer the power to rule - or destroy - the world?

