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  • “We can just sit on chairs all night or something. Or maybe,” Leorio starts, and then loses confidence, and continues, “there’s gotta be some material behind that. We can just figure it out. Whatever you want,” he finishes, a little breathlessly. If Kurapika is really into chairs, Leorio can detail chairs all night. He can talk about rungs, and cushions, and balustrades. No, that’s stairs. Well, he can do some googling.

    Leorio receives a voice message, refurnishes his apartment, and goes on a journey of self-discovery.

    3 months ago | View Shared by zeiat
  • #c:m/m #f:hxh #n:♥ #p:kurapika/leorio #t:fic | A fic in which Leorio is filming solo adult content to help pay for medical school. When Kurapika finds it, he can't help but watch it. But he also can't seem to text Leorio back. Will Kurapika let himself be satisfied with an erotic, parasocial relationship with Leorio, or will he finally pick up the phone?

    Watching the video becomes Kurapika’s bedtime routine. He grows familiar with it, memorizing timestamps the way you might memorize a neighbor’s face. At 1:03, Leorio takes his dick out. At 3:01, he plays with his nipples. At 4:04, Leorio jostles the camera, revealing his mouth for six seconds before he notices and adjusts the angle.

    Kurapika watches those six seconds like he’s studying scripture. Replays them so often it becomes a meditation. Watches for the quirk of a smile when Leorio moves to adjust the camera angle, not embarrassed exactly, but a little shy.

    4 months ago | View Shared by zeiat

