
Shared bookmarks

  • #c:f/f #f:aid #n:yuletide #p:alice/keisha #t:fic | I drive for a long time, past places with names like Harmony Beach and Pancake Bay and Jones Harbour-with-a-u. Near Pancake Bay there's a chicken shack and I stop there for lunch, even though what I really want is pancakes. There are a lot of bays here (not a lot of creeks) because most of the time I'm driving along the curve of the lake. You think of a lake and you picture something like a pond, a little thing you can see to the other side of, but this is different. It's so big, like an ocean confined within a country, an ocean that wants to break free. I couldn't possibly see what's on the other side, even if it wasn't starting to snow.

