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  • #s:cerb #s:sowk #t:report | CERB and other emergency benefit programs have ended, but there is still much to learn about the experience and its impact given current economic stresses and the pressing imperative to ensure public programs are recession ready. The introduction of emergency pandemic benefits offers a unique opportunity to examine important questions about Canada’s current income security safety net and how it works (or does not) to support individuals in their efforts to achieve greater economic security and enhanced well-being.
  • #s:disability #s:mutualaid #s:sowk #t:article/essay | Government programs, non-profit organizations, and institutions often fail to meet disabled peoples’ needs, especially undocumented migrants or those who haven’t been formally labelled as disabled. People frequently assume that disabled people can only get their needs met by institutions like long-term care facilities, hospitals, and clinics. But we can often meet our needs more directly outside of institutions through networks of care and mutual aid. This article explores four case studies of successful care for disabled people provided in the community.

