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  • #s:language #t:article/essay | Penetration means pushing something––a shaft or a nipple––into something else––a ring or a tube. Circlusion means pushing something––a ring or a tube––onto something else––a nipple or a shaft. The ring and the tube are rendered active. That’s all there is to it.
  • #s:language #s:writing | These timelines, based on the software system, have been taken from my ever-expanding database of slang, which was also the source of Green’s Dictionary of Slang, published in 2010. Slang covers many areas, but there are certain major themes which have dominated the vocabulary for over 500 years. To sum them up as sex, drugs and, in its widest sense, rock ‘n’ roll wouldn’t be so far from the truth. Plus crime, drunkenness, insults, racism and a number of other of our less savoury but quite inescapable activities. What you will find here are the first examples of what I intend to be a look at all of them. Prepare to be amused, informed, even shocked. Subversive, cynical, witty and sometimes cruel, whether we like it or not, slang is humanity at its most human.

