
Shared bookmarks

  • #s:abuse | I made a list of everything that's happened so far for somewhere elsenet, and I thought I'd share it here, too. I'm including a) events, b) public statements from SF/F creators and publishers that mention Gaiman by name and at least reference supporting the victims, c) media reporting of any kind.
  • #s:abuse #t:article/essay | But if you think of yourself as a moral patient and anyone who hurts you as a moral agent, it means that anything you do to them becomes fair game, because you are constitutionally incapable of inflicting harm, and they are constitutionally incapable of experiencing it. I once read an account written by a woman who was essentially stalking her ex, while framing his refusal to see her as “a classic narcissistic trick.” Instigating a global vilification campaign becomes a legitimate response to someone sending you a playlist they made for someone else – because you are someone who bad things are done to, they are someone who does bad things, and these categories can’t change. I think that a lot of interpersonal cruelty stems from this inability to see oneself as anything other than the injured party.
  • #s:abuse #s:work | (Why we stay in bad jobs.) A sick system has four basic rules: Rule 1: Keep them too busy to think. Rule 2: Keep them tired. Rule 3: Keep them emotionally involved. Rule 4: Reward intermittently.

