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  • #s:climate #s:prairies #t:resource | As cities around the world lead on climate action, recognition is growing that success often hinges on whether policies designed to address climate change also promote equity. As the City of Regina pursues its goal of becoming 100 percent renewable by 2050, Emily Eaton and Simon Enoch consider what other cities have done to successfully incorporate equity concerns into municipal climate policy. By understanding the best climate equity practices of other municipalities, we can ensure an equitable made-in-Regina climate action plan that leaves no one behind.
  • #s:prairies #t:art | In 2006-2007 while working as an artist-in-residence in Redvers, a small town in the Southeast corner of Saskatchewan, Heather Benning restored the interior of an abandoned farmhouse to the date of its abandonment in the mid 60’s. She replastered the walls, re-shingled the roof with shingles recycled from the north wall, removed the north wall and replaced it with plexiglass so viewers could look into the house the way they would a child’s dollhouse. By sealing the house and keeping the audience at a remove, viewers were forced to take note of what generates a sense of home. The Dollhouse aims to speak to our profound desire for re-connection with place.

