
You're a Story (I Can Follow) by Page161of180 (Eliot/Quentin)

Date added
March 20, 2019, 2:28 p.m.
“If you’d like to review the full terms and conditions of your deal, you can have as much time as you need to read--” Eliot shook his head, still not quite used to the way his hair curled below his chin, now, since he hadn’t been around to keep it properly groomed for the last-- however long it had been. God, he hadn’t even bothered to ask. “You get my deep, dark, never-told secret, and I get the opportunity to try and Orpheus-and-Eurydice Q the fuck out of this place,” he said, cutting through Penny’s bureaucratic power-trip. “I got it the first twelve times.” “I would strongly advise--” “I’m ready.” The corners of Penny’s mouth went up, but it would have been a stretch to call the expression a smile. “No, you’re really not." The Monster's been defeated, Quentin is dead, and Eliot has a quest of his own--if he can trust himself to complete it. An Orpheus and Eurydice remix.