
After the Final Rose by azurewaxwing (LWJ/WWX)

Date added
Dec. 25, 2020, 9:14 p.m.
(A talking-head interview. JIN ZIXUN, 36, entrepreneur.) JZX: Oh, yeah, he’s a fucking catch, alright. He’s rich, he’s hot, he’s a Lan. Like, he’s been ranked number two among the local bachelors for years, and now that his brother’s seeing someone, he’s number one, right? So, yeah, of course I want to win. Offscreen voice: Do you know anything else about him, besides that he’s rich and hot? JZX: (shrugging) What else is there to know? In which Lan Wangji agrees, reluctantly, to be The Bachelor, only to fall in love with Wei Wuxian, his cameraman/producer. Can the Bachelor find his way to a happy ending? And will The Bachelor: Lan Wangji be a ratings hit?