
You'd Break Your Heart to Make It Bigger by mrsronweasley (LWJ/WWX)

Date added
Dec. 25, 2020, 9:36 p.m.
"Wei-gongzi? Wake up! Why won't he wake up? Wei Wuxian!" Wei Wuxian's consciousness comes back as a slow rushing of sound. Voices, movement, something that sounds like fire crackling. It flickers behind his eyelids, so chances are, it's probably a fire. Then a shadow falls over him and he groans as he attempts to peel his eyes open. It's not an easy business—they somehow feel both dry and sticky at the same time, and when he manages to open them the tiniest bit, even the dim light around him feels like blinding sunlight. There's pressure in his chest, but at least his breathing is fine. He has no idea what happened. OR, Wei Wuxian finds himself in a pickle--and it involves Lan Wangji.