
Instructions for those who have relocated in space, time and/or genitalia, by Jang Bong Hwan by halotolerant (Cheoljong/Jang Bong Hwan)

Date added
Jan. 15, 2024, 1:16 p.m.
OK, what I’ve just realised is: I’m not the only one this can ever have happened to, right? I mean, if swapping bodies through time and space like this is a Thing, then surely it can’t only be me and poor old Kim So Yong who ever aligned just the right way to trigger it? So, I’ve decided to write all this down in case maybe someone finds it and it’s useful. You know how in science fiction and fantasy dramas in like the second act the hot geeky member of the team will be like ‘Oh, I went into the archive and found this document that conveniently explains all the plot events so far and tells us what to do next’? This will be that document. You’re welcome, hot geek.