
Cohost's Financials - A Retrospective

Date added
March 16, 2024, 9:14 p.m.
Frankly, I think the Cohost team has given up. But I think they gave up way before this. Social media isn't profitable. But they've honestly never seemed to make much of an effort to make Cohost profitable. Tipping frequently got ignored to make things like the alternate email-style feed view, or tumblr-style asks, or more "fun" features. They have a merch store but the link just exists in the staff account bio page, it's not in the footer or really ever advertised anywhere except by other users. They have no donation link, you just have to be told by someone else that you can buy bonus subscriptions. And they have a userbase that wants to give them money. I frequently see posts from people asking how they can donate, or wishing that they had a merch store (when they do). And even the simplest things like "making the merch store easier to see" haven't been done. And yet in the last financial update...they've given up. They know they don't have a second rich friend to keep funding them, and they know they never had a path to really make themselves sustainable.